I wrote my letter to the senator and representative in my area! Now it is time for your to do the same.
Go to www.legis.wisconsin.gov , click on “Who Represents Me?” and type in your address to find your state representative and senator.
This is the letter I sent:
I am a member of NAMI Wisconsin part of the nation’s largest grassroots organization on mental health. I am writing today to ask for your support for
·Governor Walker’s $29 million mental health initiative ·Medicaid expansion up to 133% of the federal poverty level (FPL)
My name is Leslie Raddatz and I am living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Conversion and Somatization Disorders. I also have family members who live with mentally ill Sister, Bipolar and PTSD, Sister, Depression, and Father, PTSD from Vietnam War, and my daughter has PTSD and Bipolar and other daughter PTSD and depression.
I have seen many people including family, peers and strangers who don't get the help they need because they can't pay for their mental health so I have first-hand experience with the struggles faced by thousands of Wisconsinites in the mental health system. Without mental health services,myself, family and Veterans would not be able to lead a fulfilling life. Your support for a Medicaid expansion up to 133% of FPL and for Governor Walker’s mental health initiative will allow many other individuals the same opportunity for health and well-being.
I attended the NAMI Mental Health Kick off for the month of May. Stand Up Against Mental Illness. No health Without Mental Health. I was very excited to hear of the plan for peer run respite centers so people with mental illness would have a place to go when in crisis. Finally an alternative to the ER or inpatient stay. This would be the best thing because the physicians are very unkind and mock us with mental illness. They take away our dignity, treated us like we are crazy or that we are making up our symptoms.
I have written a book about myself and my PTSD. I repressed memories for 34 years and then all of them came flooding back too fast which could have made me dangerous because I was very mentally ill. I had severe PTSD symptoms for 12 years and didn't get help in fear that I was going crazy which means I blended into society.
I now help others with Mental illness. My book is call Flashbacks in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Surviving the Flood, is published and has helped many peers with mental illness and their loved ones understand what is happening to them. I have given my email out openly to peers and family members who just need to talk to someone that understands. I have help mothers understand what their children are going through so they know what to do to help be supportive. Please go to www.silencednolonger.com to see my story, book trailer, replay four radio show interviews and more. My book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, Smashwords, and much more.
Your help is URGENTLY needed to expand services for people with mental illness and their communities. Can I count on your support for the Governor’s mental health initiative and the acceptance of federal funds to expand Medicaid? Please let me know where you stand on these issues.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email and for your attention to mental health care. I look forward to hearing from you regarding your position on these issues.
Leslie Raddatz
(Don't for get to put your address below your name)
(Don't for get to put your address below your name)
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