Saturday, February 18, 2012

Judged For Diagnoses Rather Than The Facts and The Person You Are!!

Have you ever been judged for your diagnoses rather than the person you really are? 

I have and it feels upsetting and unjust.  My teenagers are going through adolescence and learned really quickly if they want to stay with their dad full-time all they have to do is lie about mom to the guardian at litium. 

I took the report that this attorney had and was able to show documentation that the information she received was false.  She talked to the children and the judge said that is all she is required to do.  They didn't talk to my psychiatrist to know that all I have done in the past six months is go twice to check on me and get refills for my medications or the fact he is referring people with PTSD to my website so they can start talking to me to get help with coping with their PTSD.  The fact I am going to be interviewed tomorrow by Max Tucci from LA didn't even show that I am doing great! 

I also had Sole Custody for 13 years and that didn't show them anything.  My children were never in trouble until they were with their dad.

My ex-husband lets my daughters run with friends, no supervision, consequences, just how teenagers like it.  This however has consequences of them getting into trouble because they are too young to make grown up decisions when peer pressure arises.

My counselor reassured me that time will show who the better placement would have been. 
I have said it before and now. 

Our system protects our abusers and we are left with the choice to be a victim all over again or to choose to be a survivor.  I chose to be the Survivor.

If something like this has happened to you.  I am sorry and if it happens in the future, please don't let it ruin you.  You know the truth about yourself and children are easily manipulated and controlled by what they want at this age, not what is best for them. 

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