Friday, December 7, 2012

Statements to Think About!

Dear Readers,

Here are some statements I try to live by to help keep me from letting people who judge me for my mental illness from affecting me:

"Having Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or any other mental illness doesn't define who we are. It makes us stronger."

"People who judge us doesn't know our daily struggles so don't waste precious time letting them bring you down. Embrace yourself keep your mind healthy."

"Remember Mental Illness Stigma is just people who are uneducated about mental illness so lets educate them. Stand together strong and speak out! FIND YOU VOICE!"

"If we forget our coping skills one day and feel defeated, remember tomorrow is another day to pick yourself up and try again."

Have a wonderful day and remember you are never alone! 

Leslie Raddatz
Author of
Flashbacks in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Surviving the Flood

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